
The Settings application manages University dates on your Office 365 and optional, external calendars. Dates can include meeting times for courses, labs, and discussion sections, Registrar dates like spring break and the last day to drop a course, as well as student or staff holidays (classes or offices closed). A settings application is provided to customize which dates you’d like to see and how and where you’d like to see them.

Calendar Combiner Course Settings

Project Overview

Project Type Multiple/Service Suite

Client Ryan Lenger
ITS | Manager, Enterprise Messaging & Collaboration

Latest Update 2021


Working and studying at the University requires many, shared time commitments like classes, teaching schedules, office closures, and various deadlines. Calendar Combiner’s objective is to help simplify managing all these commitments on your calendar, while the Settings application helps you fine-tune this to your personal preferences. 


We designed model that seemed to best reflect differences in campus calendar management preferences and then built a single-page application (SPA) in .NET Core and Angular to help view and change your preferences according to this model. 

Project Tools

Project Tools  .Net  |  MAUI  |  Angular  |  IDW  |  Microsoft Exchange